Checking Out the Future: Our Library's Next Chapter with a Fresh ILS!

Exciting times are ahead! We’re about to embark on a new adventure with the introduction of a cutting-edge Integrated Library System (ILS). We're taking this journey together, and we can't wait to share it with you all! 📚

This June, you’ll see major changes in our Catalog and Online System because we’re saying ‘goodbye’ to Enterprise and saying ‘hi’ to Polaris Vega for an even better library experience! 🌟

So, what can you expect from this shiny new addition to our library?

Picture it: June 2024, you’re trying to place a hold on The Midnight Feast, by Lucy Foley. But wait, there's a twist! You're navigating our brand-spankin'-new ILS! It's more intuitive, user-friendly, and easier to navigate. Managing your account is a breeze, smoother than a fresh bowl of gelato on a hot summer day. And just when you think you've seen it all, bam! You stumble upon new materials, like uncovering hidden treasures in the attic.

Yes, June is just around the corner! In the next couple of weeks, we’ll be getting trained on this new system and sharing information with all of you. Remember, we're on this journey together! Stay tuned for updates, sneak peeks, and plenty of literary delights as we dive headfirst into this new chapter.

Our consortium, LMxAC, is in charge of the transition, and we recommend utilizing their patron update page. Here, you’ll have access to updated timelines, weekly highlights of the new catalog features, FAQs, and asking LMxAC staff additional questions. 

While we hope this causes as little disruption as possible, some interruptions during this upgrade are unavoidable. We anticipate the impact to be limited to June 4-13.